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Tuning into new potentials

So., 07. Aug.


ZOOM 863 7987 8144 PASSWORT 55555

Neurographics Class guided by Galya

Registration is Closed
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Tuning into new potentials
Tuning into new potentials

Time & Location

07. Aug. 2022, 15:00 – 17:30 MESZ

ZOOM 863 7987 8144 PASSWORT 55555


About the event

Zoom-Meeting beitreten

In this class we’ll go through the technique ‘Tuning in to new potentials’ that will help you to synchronise your energy to your potential.. we will plant a wish, tune in to its energy and observe synchronicities and opportunities come into our lives🌟

If did not join the introduction class you should use the program Introduction Neurographics. 

It would also be beneficial to use the program Neurographics Lifting Restrictions

Stationery for the class:

 ⁃ White A4 paper (a few sheets)

 ⁃ Colour pencils or markers

 ⁃ 1 thick black marker (3mm)

 ⁃ 1 black liner (1mm)



Zoom-Meeting beitreten

Meeting-ID: 863 7987 8144

Kenncode: 55555

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