Dr. Joe
Week Long Advanced Retreat
June 2023
Geniuses of our Group experiencing how we make Energy matter.
Andreja, Cathy, Ellen, Elif Amrita, Julie, Ildiko, Karolina, Spela, Peter, Eva-Christina, Linda and Diana are carrying back their experiences and high energies from the retreat in Cancun.
Have a look at the video about the impressions, the ZOOM Review about the retreat, the Q&A with Julie, Peter´s Review and enjoy the gallery.
Review of the Retreat
Experiencing how we make Energy matter. Andreja, Elif Amrita, Eva-Christina, Julie, Linda, Diana and Peter talking about mystical experiences, healings and insights in this special Zoom Review hosted by our amazing Angelique.
Q&A with Julie
It's full of amazing breakthroughs in her healing and manifesting even an object.
Q&A Session guided by Angelique.
Review MAKE ENERGY MATTER from Peter
Heading to a journey to where I am… a journey to the center of the universe and to the middle of space and time… it’s a place called me ... really excited to experience what will happen review of the retreat from Day One till Day Seven. Day One Everyone knows the Einstein equation …. mass is just a form of energy… following Einstein matter could be seen as just a highly concentrated form of energy…. energy that could be unleashed…. but the really extraordinary thing about the Einstein equation is…. that it works both ways…. Energy also make Matter…. this insight opens the door to the mysterious world beyond the reach of science… the world that obtain the secret of the universe …. the world that is called me…. hidden from the view of the eyes… it is my energy… that creates matter within seconds … but the “I” is not aware of this …. 99,9999999 % of my self is unknown …. is energy and not matter…. this is the “me” and not the “I”… the World of the subatomic power down to every cell and atom inside my self…. much more then my “I” can ever imagine …curious about exploring this place ….that is called me… promising to immerge my self into experiencing my self within the next days… by diving deep into it… not like a fish in water asking for a drink… every question is already answered… waiting to be explored without asking for it… and lovely geniuses… can you imagine …. the amazing Barry Goldstein was seating next to me…. what a wonderful begin of this retreat… the beginning of something special has occurred out of nothing. Day Two Waking up a sleeping dragon of energy called me…. starting with BOTEC ….it takes only passion and presence to create a coherent rhythm between each energy center… balancing and attuning them in their own frequency… harmonizing the energy around them to one flow of energy… knowing that my genes in each center are the library of potential and possibilities… that proteins inside my inner cosmos are carrying a charge of coherent energy… to get out of disorder and any disease… opening the doors to me is opening my awareness to nothing…. followed by two two hours meditations of trusting the Unkown and Oneness… loving this endless process of self-discovery ….it is not about the question “Who am I” … it is “What´s me”… taking out my attention from the particles forming the “I”…not looking at this frozen moment in time… this matter called “I”… the 1% we can see feel and sense of our self… and the 99% we cannot see… getting out of focusing on matter who I am… it does not matter who I am… it´s a limiting belief… an illusion…. opening my awareness to nothing… is coming to me…. activating my quantum mind is the way out from matter… the state of consciousness to be aware of nothing is being aware of me… matter is frozen moments in time…. my “I” is a frozen moment in time…. changing the “I” is becoming the “me”…. laying down the character called “I” to get into the most unfamiliar familiar feeling of “me” and my life… during the meditations I heard that calling… telling me …that source is a place called me… I just have to go there and stay there… to become one with this energy I am... becoming pure consciousness by overcoming the “I” … is becoming who I am really are…. source energy…. in the eternal present moment… there is only this place where the Unkown exists… focusing on the now with source energy I am… is making energy matter…. this tremendous whirling of energy is exactly one and the same energy that is looking out of my eyes… that is running along inside my brain… that is breathing and makes my heart beating… that makes noises when I talk…. the whole energy of the universe is coming at me and through me… and I am that energy that matters. Day Three Gosh… what can I say… talk or write about what just happened…. first of all… let´s get to the present moment in the morning of this amazing day…. starting again with a 2 hours BOTEC… connecting and balancing… attuning and harmonizing the energy centers like a flow of river… observing the flow of energy… surrender to it and let it happen without any thought… revising the model of my self by exploring it deeper and deeper… my body is believing me and is getting far away from the “I”… the “I” that creates the disorders inside the me… the disharmonies and incoherence… based on distractive thoughts and doubts… judging my self and every one else… now it is gone… the “I”… do not even know where it is… the next nearly two hours meditation is focusing on coherence between heart and brain … my brain is able to feel new ways of being my self ….my heart feels emotions so deep like never before… both are radiating new coherent signals to my genes… upregulating them… it is me … feeling this coherence in such a new way my “I” never did before…. not over intending any more … over intending is trying.. tying is not trusting… is based on being separated from the act… the coherence between my heart and brain is soooo strong… the energy pulsates from the brain into the heart and back… and the “me” gets to be who ever the “I” wants to be…. so fascinating… and the quantum peak happened in the last 2 hours meditation… synchronizing the “me” with the quantum field …to create out of the field instead out of matter… to become the “me” and get my self unplugged from the “I”… what happened next is beyond words can describe…. source is the place called me… the whole nature of energy… however… it is a vibration… and a vibration is a wave… and a wave has a crest and a trough… it is like a pulse… it goes on and it goes off… and everything goes on and off… and so it is between my brain and my heart… the energy waved through them and between them… this is true of light and also true of sound… in that state the “me” can hear feel and sense the vibrations going on and off between the heart and the brain…. the whole body shudders with these vibrations … everything inside me is vibrating… and when the two points of on and off comes together… there is oneness of heart and brain… the excitement is based on such a huge amount of order and coherence… that it is barely not possible to describe most of this pulses of pure excitement …. feeling and sensing them in never ending cycles of pulsating energy… feeling that this is the act of making energy matter….oh my goodness of life …that’s me… the divine is “me”… and the “I” cannot come back after this experience…. it changed… accepting that the “me” gets to be who ever the “I” wants to be. Day Four Starting with WM6 the Prayer of Evocation and Invocation into my higher orders of beingness with eyes wide open…. the cycles of energy are not just simply wave motions or undulations… they are also cycles of a circular kind…. everything goes around… when we walk we go around… and it is tremendously important to get hold of this principle of going around…. to be aware of that cyclic quality… instead of going around we all think we are going somewhere… and this going somewhere consumes time… and it implies there is somewhere else to go… but as I wander around the beach… I can’t help but wonder where that other place would be… because there is only one place to be… and this place is called me…. there is no way to go in the Quantum… because there is no space… we cannot go anywhere because we are already everywhere… we just have to go to nowhere to be now-here… keep on experimenting with energies inside me… the speed of vibration and the frequencies create the interaction with source… and source is me… I have to come to me to exchange all information… in the Quantum we have to feel it to experience it… in 3D reality we have to experience it to feel it…. and the latest results of the scientific research presented today are really amazing… our default programs … based on distractive thoughts… anger fear and so and so…. running in the background of us are consuming the most of our brain energies… meditation disrupts the brain networks responsible for predicting the future based on the known past…. in meditation we are turning this brain regions off…. and so meditating makes the brain more functionally integrated with itself… and less split into different modules… an effect deepened by a weeklong retreat…. the brain gets into the so-called hypernetwork state… we are awake in the brain and relaxed in the heart… and the less modular the brain is… the more new and mystical experiences are possible… the more areas of the brain are firing together… the more we are feeling wholeness… more coherence and less modularity of the brain …so when I am dialing down my thinking brain… I get deeper into me… and far away from the “I”…. and out of a sudden… the modules of the brain start to unify… and the unified brain is expecting answers from the body in new ways… and the me… my body… my heart… can give different answers .. the brain did not have the possibility to listen before... and this is the base for up-graded information from the field… the major regulator of our biology… and all this upgraded information … can be tracked in our blood and microbiome…. so shutting the default mode network down… a lot more energy is available to address the field… the efficiency of the brain rises dramatically… we ended with a kaleidoscope meditation to get rid off the “I” … to dive deep into the “me”… the doors open wide … and for sure…. the me is the field and the field is me… coming home to source… the place called me.. and the world we see …is what we might call unity in diversity. Day Five Starting the day again with a walk at the beach… holy ground as Dr. Joe uses to say to the Maya Riviera Beach… walking with a heartful mind and a mindful heart… and the me felt the difference between motion with the objective of changing place and motion with the objective of circling around…. all those forms of energy that are moving to circle around like dancing or traveling to wander… are joyous manifestations of energy… and they amplify the energy between heart and brain… and the “I” gets aware that on the other hand… all those forms of energy that have us moving to get somewhere tend to become frantic… and have a quality of urgency that moves us faster and faster until we simply can’t go fast enough to accomplish the object by consuming energy… so we practice to get everywhere out of nowhere with coherent energy between our heart and brain… not stopping to go for greater experiences in the eternal now… the shift of energy creates the change … somehow there is an intelligence in that energy and it knows where to go… we just have to surrender to it and trust it… not forcing it…. forcing it consumes energy…. and after the second kaleidoscope meditation…. the first healing session takes place… I do not have to explain anything about that to all of you lovely geniuses…. a ballroom full of photons radiating from the hearts and circling around … heading directly from the hearts of the healers into the field of the healees…. as we Flamingos use to say… loving them into life… all the love of our group is present in the ballroom… entangled as we are… looking at the mechanism of recreation and we will see Love… Love is the energy that enlightens the World… Love is the energy on which the World is being built out of space and time… Love is the energy that always exists and had initially been….. look at that one who created love and you will see you…. Love is belonging to us and it is us belonging to Love… love you all lovely geniuses. Day Six and Seven Let´s ding it again…starting with the pineal gland 4-hours meditation on Saturday… ding the antenna into the field to generate mystical experiences…. being aware that I am not a linear being to live a linear life… I am a multidimensional being to live a multidimensional life…. signing a meaning to every breath I take in the now… to be present and playing with the energy… experimenting with the me… with the energy I am… finding new experiences coming from the Unknown … like a thief in the night … creating new levels of energy again and again… to inflame my life with love and joy… feeling it in the Quantum Field to experience it in the present… where energy becomes matter… and on Sunday it is all about the electric me… body electric… energizing all these new levels of energy down to every single cell and atom to let them shine bright … walking in the light at the holy ground of the Maya Riviera Beach… during the second and third healing sessions we are doing on Saturday and Sunday it besomes soooo clear and fundamental… at the healing session on Saturday the “me” is under the roof of the ballroom … observing the “I” sitting there with all the healers around the healees… blue light is shining all over them … pulsating blue energy….. some energy touched the “I” sitting there and the “I” was so surprised …that the “I” was back in me …. after the session I could not describe what happened and at the last session on Sunday it is even more intense with all energy boost coming in…. me under the roof of the ballroom again… observing all the healers and healees down there… filled in blue light… radiating light out of their hearts … the blue light becomes bigger and bigger …being boosted more and more ….unified and swirling around… rushing into the healees at different points of their bodies…. out of a sudden… a huge blue being in front of me…. just telling “look and observe… this is you… you are the beings”….. and so it becomes so clear and fundamental… healing energy is universal… it is available to everyone everywhere every time… we are it.... it is the energy of all of us and of me at the same time... like the part in the whole and the whole in the part... I realize that it is the me …that was… is… and will always be… it is me… the universal energy … the “I” cannot think energy… it can only feel it and be it in the eternal present moment… and the unified energy is me as well… because the me is the source of it…. wuaahhhhh… that is soooo mindblowing….. there are no beings we have to call in or to whom we connect… we are the beings…. it’s us being pure energy… the visualization of an being out of our self is also only an illusion of our mind … always looking for an answer… but there is no answer … because we are the answer…. We are the Beings… we just have to be it in the eternal now!