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Freeing our selfs from any limitations

Each of our perceptions takes place in our consciousness and is triggered by what we see, hear, smell, sense, feel and think. All this generates perceptions and our perception is therefore always dynamic. Never static - it is constantly changing. Sometimes in fractions of a second.

Our life consists of mental interpretations of our sensory perceptions based on past experiences, emotions and feelings. This is what we commonly call our consciousness.

We perceive in our consciousness a continuous flow of thoughts - thoughts that occupy us every minute, nearly 60,000 thoughts a day. We are capable of thinking five to nine thoughts at a time.

In doing so, we transform our sense perceptions into thought perceptions and automatically package them into thought constructs. Most people know nothing else than that when they talk about their conscious mind. And they use their conscious mind to evaluate everything they perceive.

It is all about the story about our self.

From this narrative flow of repetitive thoughts we derive our identity, our sense of self. Our thoughts form the foundation of our sense of identity. Many people complain about their lives in their thoughts. Problems from the past are constantly present in them. Or thoughts about their future based on their past experiences. There is no one whose life does not seem problematic at this level of consciousness because our thoughts are predominantly about past or future problems.

We constantly construct a reality for our selfs and we present this imagined, artificial reality to our selfs and to everyone else - and we do not realize that this is only a fiction. Mental images about our selfs thus become points of identification of our being.

Eckart Tolle therefore speaks of the fact that we all carry a story about our selfs around with us in this way without realizing that this flow of repetitive thoughts is mainly created by our stories about our selfs. Stories made up in our heads about our selfs and others that we constantly tell our selfs.

And this story we then call our life.

We know our selfs primarily on the basis of this form of consciousness. We derive our reality from this thought form and identify completely with these thoughts within us. Every thought that comes into the mind immediately brings a sense of self. Every thought is immediately believed. Every thought about others and our self is permanently subjected to evaluation and considered real. Yet they are only thoughts. But we think it is our life. We think it is reality. Many carry around a heavy mental burden and even call it their personality or character.

Everything is conditioned from the past.

We know our selfs only on this level of mental consciousness and thus constantly limit our selfs without realizing it. The liveliness is lost and the openness for life is lost.

We can become free from this mental self through an expanded awareness of our selfs. So that we no longer let our sense of identification arise from the flow of thoughts. We must rise above this thought level of consciousness and turn our awareness inward instead of outward. To what we are.

We need to understand how thoughts arise within us.
With our senses we primarily perceive the outside world. We can hardly use them to hear, see, smell, feel or taste inward. With our thinking we can go inward, but we think only on the outside.

We have to become aware that our thoughts come from our conditioned consciousness from the past. The compulsive naming and judging leads us to fall into the same emotions over and over again. The large part of our consciousness consists of thoughts within thoughts.

A liberation from being trapped in this flow of thoughts outside creates a state of awareness of our own energy and the possibility to direct our energy specifically to what we want.

We must be aware that meaning does not arise independently of us. It is always created first by our consciousness. It only arises through our thoughts, through our perception and interpretation of situations.


Basically, we can consider two types of thinking: harmonious thinking and destructive thinking.

We can share our thoughts about a harmonious and healthy life with other people and direct our consciousness towards them.

Whether others adopt these thoughts is up to them. Some react negatively. Especially people who always perceive something negative in their lives. Who are always dissatisfied with something. They have trained their minds to always look at the negative in their reality, and as a result, they are continually confronted with obstacles that in turn lead to more complaints and greater dissatisfaction.

And they are not even aware that each of these obstacles was created by themselves because they direct or have directed their attention to it. Because they are constantly increasing rather than decreasing these circumstances in their consciousness. And so they continue to encounter destructive knowledge, attract people who increase this knowledge, feel validated in it and this goes on until it goes no further.

Until something happens that forces her to make a change in her life. This can affect your diet, your health, your circle of friends, your job, your children, your partner. And then is the moment when they become receptive to the harmonious knowing. When they start to think about choosing to be a victim themselves and open up to turn their thinking inwards.

These people do not have the knowledge of themselves and the knowledge that their every perception is their own action. That every thought is its own action.

Thinking inward involves far more than thinking positively.

Positive thinking has no effect on our lives if beliefs and habits at the core of our subconscious conflict with this conscious positive thinking.

In order to direct our energy and consciousness to lead a healthy, harmonious and fulfilling life, we need to understand where our thoughts are located and what influences them. How they arise. Where the realm of thinking is in our body. In the head - that's what many think, but is it really like that? Thoughts are also triggered by the biochemical processes within our body that are activated due to our senses. Thoughts are also triggered by our subconscious, which controls many things in me automatically, like a basic program.

Consciousness is the seat of our personal identity and is fundamentally creative.

We can put our self into the future or revive the past at any time. This is where our wishes and longings come from, but also our worries and fears, our happiness and unhappiness.

The subconscious, on the other hand, is our data store of all habits and beliefs - our archive. On the basis of which we generate instinctive and learned behaviors that arise automatically through appropriate stimuli. Our subconscious is essentially habitual - responding to the same signals with the same behavior over and over again. Often also to our chagrin - so we keep getting upset about the same things, or get angry about something, show behavior that we actually consciously don't want to show at all.

A habit consists of recurring, automatically running, unconscious thoughts, behaviors and emotions that are anchored in the subconscious through frequent repetition.


Often the messages or beliefs anchored in our subconscious stand in our way or even sabotage our efforts to bring about a change in our behavior. All it takes is someone or a situation and certain buttons are pushed and our automatic program of learned behaviors runs.

The basic problem is that the purely neurological abilities triggered by our subconscious are over a million times faster and therefore more powerful than thoughts consciously induced by our conscious mind.

Our conscious mind is able to process 40 bits/second, whereas our subconscious mind is able to process 40 million bits/second!

And herein lies also the simple neurological explanation, why positive thinking alone has no chance against our programs in the subconscious, if these conflict with the deep habits and convictions in our selfs.

Bruce Lipton states in his highly recommended book "The Biology of Belief",  that our biggest problem lies in the assumption that our lives are determined by the desires and aspirations that our conscious thinking produces.


In this context, he points out that neuroscience has found that our minds are only in charge a little over 5 percent of the time. Ninety-five percent of the time, our life experiences are determined by our acquired, subconsciously stored programming. And because this subconscious programming runs without the supervision of our conscious mind, we don't even realize that our subconscious mind is making our everyday decisions and that our life is thereby a reflection of our subconscious programming, which was essentially embedded in us by the age of six.

And many studies show that most of the programming acquired in childhood is limiting in our subconscious. They lead us to admit at some point that we are just the way we are and thus further solidify our programming.

How is reality in which we live generated?

Through our spirit, our mind, our consciousness, our spiritual development. Through a clear understanding of our self, as we try to teach and train togehter in this academy, everything can be and become different. The combination of the insights about our self and the consistent application of the different methods lead to a lasting change in our habits and beliefs and thereby in our life and the reality in which we create then by intend.

Bruce Lipton clearly shows that it is not our genes but our beliefs that control our lives. We just need to change them at the core, and apply the findings.

The good news is that we don't have to change. Change in the sense that we are missing something.

We are what we are. We have everything within us, which is why we don't need to change. On the contrary, we only need to understand how to open our selfs up. We consist of about 50 trillion cells - and nothing has to be added to that!

We only need to understand our selfs and use these insights against the power of our unconscious habits and beliefs. And our life is NOT predetermined by our genes! So we have maximum creative freedom if we properly use our inherent potential.

If we understand and accept that we are reality, then we know how to improve our daily potential and every transmission of information within us. Through our understanding that we are primarily energy and not matter, we know how to consciously approach the proper use of our energy. And by gaining an expanded consciousness, we tap into an incredible potential because we can consciously control our energy.

And once we have gained this knowledge, we only have to apply it consistently and not to search further and further for additional knowledge. Daily doing changes our being. Like Dr. Joe always says: Knowing, Doing, Being!

Daily application is important.

Doing meditations, Yoga, Qi Gong two or three times a week, or going once or twice to a retreat, is like pure positive thinking - unfortunately, it accomplishes little.

For it is only through a daily action that we can create new circuitry in our brain and gain an expanded consciousness to change the programming in our subconscious and thus change our being.

This holistic understanding of our self in combination with holistic methods, which we can interlock, lead to a self-determined, harmonious and healthy being.

The contributions of our Academy are to deepen this understanding step by step and to train and practice methods together under these underlying aspects and to point concrete application possibilities out in our daily life.


That´s what it is all about in our Classes, Programms, Sessions and Events.

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