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Quantum Kundalini

Do., 22. Feb.


ZOOM 818 8527 2355 PASSCODE 55555

presented by Elif Amrita Chanan

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Quantum Kundalini
Quantum Kundalini

Time & Location

22. Feb. 2024, 19:00

ZOOM 818 8527 2355 PASSCODE 55555


About the event

Sat Nam dear lovely Geniuses. 

I am happy to experience with you the wonderful “Kriya for bodily adjustment and lymphatic cleansing”. 

The lymphatic system is a network of delicate vessels in the body that collects the “garbage” from each of your cells. There is no “pump” for this system. It relies on movement and pressure to circulate this fluid. This set creates pressure on internal organs and the lymph system to enhance and optimize the function of this important system

It provides an overall stretch of the body in some unusually held postures. The first poses of this kriya all focus on neck and that 8-12 pound ball that we all balance on top of our axial spine, our heads. We focus on three exercises for the six muscles in each eye and you witness how your eyes are yoked and move in tandem. Then the shoulder stand accesses the parasympathetic nervous system, turning on those cytokine anti-inflammatory markers.

Sat Nam Elif Amrita🧘🏽🙌🏽✨

If it is your first Kundalini Class please have a look at the introduction to Quantum Kundalini and become part of the Quantum Kundalini Group

Please wear something comfortable, if possible have a yoga mat and a  blanket or a meditation cushion at hand. Please don't eat just before. I  am very excited.

Sat Nam Elif Amrita

Please remember that all classes and sesssions are based on donations!

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Meeting-ID: 818 8527 2355

Kenncode: 55555

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