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Dr. Joe in CANCUN 02/2022

Review from Peter

Day One

Dream On….. the dream is the plan that happens in absence of time in eternity…. in a vertical time…. in this very moment…. by giving attention to the dream….to our living…. feeling and thinking…. freeing our selfs from all addictions and obsessions…. memories and habits…. the only way we can change our reality we are living ….is to change our dream…. to dream a new living…. a new world….. creating a new life…. because any event happens the way it does….. because we are dreaming it the way it happens… after a general teaching we started with the first meditation… and the sychronisity happened again…. Dr. Joe started with a track from Mei-Lan …I used a lot in the last weeks in different compilations… followed by changing the energy…. not like a fish in the water asking for a drink anymore …. but turning our attention towards the dreamer in us… knowing….. when dreaming is set in motion…. all things are possible.


Day Two

It is all about Oneness …. being part of the whole and the whole in a part…. we can be… know… do and create only in the now… we do not see the world as it is ….but as we think it is…. through the lenses of our belief system… our convictions create in this very moment all that we think is our past and our future…. real doing is the ability to create the life we desire through the transformation of our inner chemistry without physical action…. overcoming is becoming… overcoming the old self…. Is becoming the dream… so we started with BOTEC early in the morning…. to balance our mini-brains in coherence…. to bless them and inform them…. that we are in love with us…. realizing …..there is no place to go…. no role to play….. no power to use in life…. no action to undertake….for our dream to be realized…. our physical body has to become the most pleasurable place to be… so that the miraculous can manifest before our eyes…. and the rest of the day … it was all about oneness…. two wonderful meditations to surrender into the infinite space …. both starting with the amazing Mei-Lan again to open our hearts ….. and after the breath we are becoming the consciousness of all-in-all… crossing the zero point in spaaaace…. feeling no more separation…. pure oneness… open to the universal mind… and the unlimited possibilities ….. coming into Dreamland …. becoming no one… feeling that all things are born from nothing… the closer we get to nothing… the more the invisible becomes visible…. surrendering into the emptiness …. feeling that there …we are noone… that the inside is hollow…. without content…. pure spaaaace…. suddenly finding out…. who lives in that emptiness…. laughing out loud…. because there isn’t anyone…. there is exactly nothing…. feeling that being is the space within ….that gives form to everything…. all is here and now and all is one…..realizing … nothing will ever be impossible to us…. whatever our state of being is in this moment… this is our past and our future… always and forever… we cannot become a whole in a minute…. in a day…. in one year…. or in a lifetime…. but just now…. what a wonderful day…what a wonderful now.


Day 3

Teaching about self-observation and self-correction…. looking within our selfs… without judging…without criticizing… without identifying…. being constantly aware of our selfs…. is the only thing that really matters… in self-awareness lie all possibilities…. shifting our attention from the outer world of probabilities and uncertainties… from the world of consequences…. to our selfs ….to the limitless inner world of causes… of possibilities and power… seeing that everything is within us…. and that everything is us…. remembering always…. that we are the cause of the world we live in… the key to changing reality is self-observation… observing and correcting our selfs…. being aware of the energy inside of us…. knowing that every negative emotion ….like fear or even death… a self-created prison… not something that someone has created or imposed on us… abandoning our destructive way of thinking … piercing the age-old layers of habits and beliefs…. deeper and deeper until we reach a state of inner stillness and silence…..becoming a state of fearlessness and deathlessness…..experiencing real doing… non doing…..the only power to change the reality we are living in … doing BOTEC again …. to get the flow into our inner beings…. getting connected to our different energy centers…. cleansing them from any negative vibes…. followed by the teaching about space-time and time-space…. how to get into and pass the 4th dimenson… by becoming no body… no one… no where…. no thing… at no time…. and diving deep into the 5th dimension…. bringing the dream to us…. drawing the experience to us …. by doing an amazing new meditation ….sending strong signals out ….. the more coherence in mind and heart…. the stronger the signal into the field…. feeling the high frequencies of the thoughts in spaaaace ….. generated by our mindful hearts and heartful minds….. surfing in dreamland on the highest level of our existence… feeling pure joy and happiness …thriving through the future experience in the now…. overwhelming…. mindblowing…. dreaming a new dream…. feeling a new way of dreaming… where the power of our will commands…. where the power of love creates…. where the power of certainty wins… knowing that our will exists only in the now…. that the will can act only in the absence of time…. not facing reality anymore…. but creating it by a strong intend based on the dream of our life…. a dream full of love and joy …. and reality could only follow us… we have to dream within and act without.


Day 4

Starting with WM 6 …. evocation and invocation… the act of bringing or recalling the feelings of our future life to the conscious mind… by walking into it… with the mind of our future self… embodying the feelings of the future in the now…. walking into the sunrise of our life…. summoning the supernatural being in us….followed by two mind- and heartful meditations with the kaleidoscope… the first one with pictures to memorize and feeling them… and two more synchronicities took place... the sound of the meditations is a track from Remko … I used the last months playing a piece from Mooji… and is called Soul…. and the picture we had to memorize is the picture of our Loving Sunday meditations …. looking at the fractals of the kaleidoscope to get in trance…. turning our attention towards the dreamer in us….. and every limit….calamity….disease and suffering disappeared forever from our world…. expanding our vision until our whole body…. with every organ… muscle…. fibre and cells… down to the very last atom…is overwhelmed by the light of our dream… knowing that everything in the outer world is the projection or our own being …condensed into an appearance of characters and events… through self-observation… we realize that the world outside is an empty screen …on which we project the thoughts and feeling of our selfs… once we realize that it all comes from within… that the world in which we live is not projected onto us… but by us… our victimhood will come to an end… and our creations are an act of intend…. created from within… like the picture of my self on the screen in the ballroom after the walking meditation.


Day 5

Starting with WM 10… walking into the sunrise or our new life… and our hearts give the drumbeat to our brain …. the rhythm of our feelings… as the rhythm of our walk…. bringing the left side and the right side of our brains in coherence… feeling the oneness of our brains…. in the rhythm of our hearts… no more opposites in the inner world… no more separation anymore…. no duality between our brain sides and our hearts as well… becoming heartful and mindful at the same time…. unifying this feeling… as pure unifying… feeling no separate parts in our body … all organs becoming one organ… all cells becoming one cell…. feeling it´s me…. pure joy of existence …. when I opened my eyes at the end ….looking at the infinite blue sky…. there was a big albatross flying…. without any effort…. unified with the energy of the wind…. flying without doing… like my new self is flying through my future life…. less separate from my dreams …. by non-doing… only dreaming…. creating in the now by intend…. then the teaching of the pineal gland meditation and what it is all about… creating mystical experiences by dinging our antennae inside of our head…. followed by another short kaleidoscope meditation and the first healing session in person with the healee… sitting around the healee with my beloved Elif and our three sons …together with two additional female healers… sending the healee the love of our family…. very special…. the love was so intense …. at the end the female healee stood suddenly up and hugged Elif…. then all of us around her …. finally she laid in my arms… sobbing with happiness…. telling that is was incredible…. I told her that she received the unified love of our family… that Elif is my wife and this three powerful youngsters are my sons…. she asked for my name…Peter I said… and she hugged me even closer and whispered … my surname as a girl was Peterson…. unbelievable…..magic…. after this session…. we did the noble walk at the beach…. and …. another really powerful experience…. feeling that ….if we want to change reality ….we have to change our music…. the drumbeat of our heart in coherence to our brain… we have to devote our self to widening our dreams… because it is our dream that creates reality…. only our dream can rescue us out of this tight spot of being… out of our daily chant´s monotony… that becomes pain in or body…. sometimes fear in our feelings and doubt in our mind…. and then this amazing feeling of oneness get all over my body and mind…. and I recognized…. that every one of the 1.600 walkers at the beach are a reflection of my self…. everyone is me ….unity in diversity… my projection to the screen of life…. judging someone is judging my self…. all in the outer world happens in our selfs …. as the creator of all and everything….. being aware of or beings as an ever-present fact….. changing reality by changing our selfs… the entire universe is only a pale shadow of our inner beings…. the slightest change in our being moves mountains in the outer world… it is always us… be… and become…. simply be… we will become whatever we want to….what an amazing day.


Day 6

The divine in us matches always our efforts…. starting with the 4 ½ hours pineal gland meditation…. dinging it together with 1.600 Dingers in the room… to get into the mystical experience of our dreams…. getting this amazing feeling of oneness again…. no separation anymore…. thriving through spaaace with that kind of awareness… looking through the lenses of oneness… and things getting easy… coming out from nowhere… from the unknown… being connected to all…. everything becomes the experience at the same time…. in no time…. timeless as we are….. getting deeply to the other side of our minds…. into the never ending process of self-observation with the eyes of everyone… hanging out in the unknown for over 4 hours… feeling the deep understanding…. to change reality …. we have to look no further than our own self…. traveling to the end of the universe within our selfs… to embrace and understand all that we are not….feeling our thoughts slide over us without trying to change anything… just let them pass…. let it be…. let it be…. let it be…. in stillness and silence…. watching the unveiling of our dream… the creation of a magnificent new world… followed by changing the boxes meditation…. and the same occurred out of nothing again …. the feeling of my new box… of my future self …. are the feelings of oneness…. reality has no existence apart from us…..we create it….. we destroy it….. we improve it… we degrade it….. the world hangs on the thread of our being…. no being ….no world….no reality…. the world follows our steps…. obeys our inner states… governed by our will…. by creation with intent in the now… the only way to intervene in the game of the world is an inner action…. not complaining… if things go wrong… but entering into our selfs…. not desiring….but deserving everything at every time at every place in the now…. like the healees deserve our unified love in the healing session at the end of this day…. to get healed by loving them selfs again…. deeply…. feeling and believing to be healed…. dreaming it in the ocean of love… dreaming of freedom…. freedom from all health constraints…. we are the only obstacle to everything we desire….. dreaming…. dreaming…. dreaming without an end… …the dream is the most real thing there is….. what an amazing day again.


Day 7

Starting with Body Electric laying down…. activating our energy centers …. focusing on them…. to create our future life in the now … through the transformation of our inner energy and chemistry …. by generating patterns within patterns…. fractals of information around our energy centers….. connecting them … letting the ripple effect of this coherent energy expand in us…. feeling the power of electric inside of us….. getting into high voltage…. that makes our cells giggeling …. emitting bright light …by becoming more and more oneness…. a huge amount of order and coherence is rushing through us… it is our inner code ….subtle and invisible… feeling the real life not elsewhere… but inside of us ….not in some distant ethereal beyond…. but down here…. in our physical body…. which does not die of consumption… but of the absence of light…. it is here in our bodies … that everything happens ….whatever happens outside our selfs…. has to have our inner approval and consent to manifest…. to become delightful…. we have to switch on our inner light…. the lighter… the delighter….. feeling this deep enlightenment inside… what we are ….. we can only be…. for a fraction of a second…. we are nobody… and yet we possess all that which surrounds us… it has nothing to do with thoughts…. feelings or inner dialogues…. in a fraction of a second…. we are suspended in a higher emotional state…. into a higher consciousness… it is another plane of existence …where thoughts and feelings do not come into play… it is a matter of being… of this amazing power inside of us….that´s all…. right after it …we walked with our electric bodies …enlightened by the sunrise in our inner world…. joining our future self in the now at the beach… walking as it… the old self does not look any more at his history… hisStory is not being told any more… the story of my future self …is the story of the now… is the story of my dream … feeling that I am done with this old games of my old self…. feeling it´s me …. overcoming me… by walking out of the stories of the past…. feeling eternity in every cell … feeling it´s me….. the eternity of my self…. during the third healing meditation… powerfully loaded by our electric bodies… the message becomes clear… the thought of death has to die… to live the eternalness of all of us… death is the biggest lie… the greatest illusion of our beingness… we are creating our reality based on our beliefs… thoughts and feelings ….no one of us would ever create death by intend… always living in the eternal now ….it´s us overcoming death… dreaming that death is not existing anymore… the cells are giggeling even more … by listening to this message… getting disentangled more and more from that believe of death… being one… whole… no death could exist….mastering the now… is mastering death… mastering this default program in our minds and subconsciousness… is mastering any kind of disease… is becoming ease now and forever… becoming it… being it… not believing the becoming… dreaming the becoming…. the thoughts of death shortens our lifetime…. getting out of this game … we are becoming eternal…. understanding how powerful our imagination is…. what we identify with….we become… any event happens the way it does….. because we are dreaming it the way it happens…. the dream to be dreamed is our eternity…. the dreamer becomes the dreamed…. in the eternal now…Dream on

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