Money, Abudance and the Field of Creation
Mi., 25. Okt.
|ZOOM Meeting 872 2606 9991
guided by Angelique

Time & Location
25. Okt. 2023, 20:00
ZOOM Meeting 872 2606 9991
About the event
Beautiful Geniuses,
this Quantum Constellation Session is about Money, Abudance and the Field of Creation; overcoming survival states and stepping into creative power.
Money is a highly charged construct that has carried many projections and meanings in the 3D plane. Most people still carry the burden of generations of survival consciousness regarding money and abundance. Even when we work deliberately to evolve into higher states of consciousness, the survival blueprint is deeply impacting our creative power as long as our blind spots keep us in states of separation from our intentions to allow in more money. As a result we keep experiencing the scarcity of abundance and money as evidence of our deeply rooted scarcity and separation worldviews. All the while, the quantum potentials of our abundance and wealth intentions are rejected and thus remain just quantum potentials. In this workshop we will explore the way, money, prosperity consciousness, and our quantum potentials of wealth and abundance are impacted by us. This is for you if you want to understand how your ways of being is impacting the Field of Abundance and your quantum potentials of Money and Abundance. In a quantum Money & Abundance constellation you will discover your blind spots, any split intentions or entanglements regarding money and abundance or stepping into their creative power will benefit from this workshop. What you will learn: the Field will give us insights as to how we can free ourself from loyalties to being disempowered or in a place of survival regarding money and abundance.
More information about Quantum Constellations: Please join the special group and watch the Q&A-Session from 13.09.2023.
Please sign the session and get a ticket for this paid workshop.
Lot´s of love
Money, Abudance and the Field
Topic: Quantum Constellations Time: Oct 25, 2023 8PM
88,00 €+2,20 € service feeSale ended
0,00 €