Sacred Yin Yang
Sa., 28. Okt.
|ZOOM 863 7987 8144 Passwort 55555
Neurographics presented by Galya

Time & Location
28. Okt. 2023, 11:00 MESZ
ZOOM 863 7987 8144 Passwort 55555
About the event
In this class we’ll combine Sacred Geometry and Neurographics. The Flower of Life reminds us of our divine origin and helps to tune in to the harmonious vibrations of the Universe. And Yin Yang harmonises two flows of energies in all aspects of our life.
With the help of this algorithm we will create order and peace at every level of our being, harmonize feminine and masculine energies, left and right hemispheres, synchronise mind and heart.
This class is extremely powerful… Expect the unexpected and be open to receive…
Please note that unlike any other neurographics class where having a compass is a recommendation, for this class having a compass is a MUST. Sacred geometry is about precision and you won’t be able to follow the algorithm if you don’t have a compass (nothing else will work, trust me on that).
‼️Before you join the class please make sure that you finished the Introduction to Neurographics class as well as the Basic algorithm, which is the foundation of neurographics. There will be no practice of drawing neurolines and rounding – we’ll dive into our subconscious right away.
Stationery for the class:
- White A4 paper (a few sheets)
- Colour pencils or markers
- 1 thick black marker (3mm)
- 1 black extra thin liner (0,3mm)
- 1 compass
- 1 ruler
- 1 eraser
With love,
Please remember that all classes and sesssions are based on donations!
Kenncode: 55555
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