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Sa., 22. Okt.


ZOOM 818 8527 2355 PASSWORT 55555

Quantum Kundalini

presented by Elif Amrita Chanan

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Quantum Kundalini
Quantum Kundalini

Time & Location

22. Okt. 2022, 09:00 – 10:30

ZOOM 818 8527 2355 PASSWORT 55555


About the event

Sat Nam beautiful Geniuses, 

in this class we are experiencing the wonderful Kriya Getting the Body out of Distress.

We are moving the energy in every part of the body systematically.

This Kriya can generate big changes.

It is a good set of exercises to do every day, because if the body´s energy is not released, circultated, and distributed, then it could start malfunctioning.

"When the finite get to you and you show your infinity, that is Divinity." Yogi Bhajan

We are starting this Kriya with a Basic Breath Series and we are closing the class with a special meditation called The Healing Energies of the Earth and the Ether. 

Please have a banana and an orange by hand.

More about this class especially about the Breath Series and the meditation  in the Quantum Kundalini Group

If it is your first Kundalini Class please have a look at the introduction to Quantum Kundalini and become part of the Quantum Kundalini Group

Please wear something comfortable, if possible have a yoga mat and a  blanket or a meditation cushion at hand. Please don't eat just before. I  am very excited.

Sat Nam Elif Amrita

Zoom-Meeting beitreten

Meeting-ID: 818 8527 2355

Kenncode: 55555

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