Basic algorithm of lifting restrictions
Sa., 10. Feb.
|ZOOM 863 7987 8144 Passwort 55555
Neurographics presented by Galya

Time & Location
10. Feb. 2024, 11:00 MEZ
ZOOM 863 7987 8144 Passwort 55555
About the event
Dear Geniuses ❤️
we’ll have our first neurographics class of 2024!
We are going back to the basics to build our foundation.
It’s a perfect opportunity for those of you who haven’t participated in our previous classes or watched the recorded classes to learn the secrets of neurographics. And those of you who did participate in previous classes - to dive into the work with more knowledge, awareness and understanding.
The Basic algorithm of lifting restrictions is the foundation of all other algorithms. It’s important to master it - not only to understand the steps of drawing neurographics, but mostly to work through the limiting beliefs, fears, restrictions, ‘edginess’ in your life, release tension - you may work on manifesting the best life ever, but if you don’t believe you can have it or that you are worthy to receive the abundance in life, it may be tricky to manifest it 🤷♀️
‼️Before you join the class please make sure that you finished the Introduction to Neurographics class.
Stationery for the class:
⁃ white A4 paper
⁃ 1 black liner/marker (1mm)
⁃ 1 black thick marker (3mm)
⁃ colour pencils or highlighters (at least 5 colours, not crayons)
⁃ patience, lots of it
The class will last 2,5h
Please remember that all classes and sesssions are based on donations!
Kenncode: 55555
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